
Showing posts from November, 2020

Science week presents : PROFESSOR BALONEY!!

 We were so lucky this week to get a visit from a crazy scientist! We got to watch some exciting experiments and we even learned some fantastic facts too!

Some art from this week :)


2-D Shape Hunt

 We used the ipads today to take pictures of 2D shapes around the school. We were looking for circles, squares, rectangles and triangles. After we took our pictures, we went back into the classroom to show one another what we found. We had a great time and we were lucky the weather was so nice! 

PE on a beautiful morning

 Today we did a circuit style PE lesson. The squares on the yard are a great help to space everyone out. We had 12 different stations with various activities. We even had some music to make it extra fun!

Guessing which shapes are in the magic bag!

We are having great fun this week learning about 2D and 3D shapes with Ms. O’Halloran. We took turns to guess which shapes we could feel in the bag. Our classmates asked us questions about how many sides, corners, and faces we could feel on the shapes. We really enjoyed it! 😁😁😁